Sociedad Bastiat

lunes, julio 11, 2005

China to U.S. - Don't Interfere

Sociedad Jose Marti

------ Original Message ------
Received: Sun, 03 Jul 2005 07:39:42 AM CDT
From: "playaguanabo"
Subject: El Peligro de Comerciar con China Comunista

Queridos Amigos:
Comparto esta información que recibí de mi buen amigo Andrés Gonzales y que una vez más muestra el peligro en que nos encontramos. Por muchos años he combatido el comercio con países comunistas porque es inmoral y es traición a los E.U. Las grandes empresas y ambos partidos políticos nacionales cooperan con nuestros enemigos en la destrucción de su propio país. Esto no es libre comercio. Una y otra vez he hablado con personas que no creen que China es nuestro enemigo, viven engañados y no quieren ver la luz. Hoy nuestra Constitución, a la cual nuestros políticos prestan servicio de labios, es pisoteada por repúblicanos y demócratas que están trabajando en concierto para llevarnos al Nuevo Orden Mundial. Mientras el pueblo vive pensando en los deportes y la vida fácil, estos individuos trabajan de manera repugnante para destruirnos. Si no conseguinos suficientes ciudadanos patriotas para contrarrestar esto, nuestra nación está destinada a desaparecer.
Feliz Dia de la Independencia para todos,

To: Friends and Supporters

From: Gary L. Bauer, Chairman
Campaign for Working Families

Date: Thursday, June 30, 2005

China to U.S. - Don't Interfere

Members of Congress are steaming today after a spokesman for the Chinese
Foreign Ministry warned them that, "commercial activities should not be
interfered political elements." The Chinese spokesman was referring
to the bid by the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) to
takeover Unocal, the ninth largest oil and gas company in the United

But, of course, "political elements" (meaning our elected representatives)
have an obligation to review this takeover for its implications for our
national security. Sadly, well meaning free-market advocates here in the
U.S. are already laughing off those national security concerns and labeling
anyone who raises them as "protectionists" and "jingoists." I prefer to
think of them as patriots.

Military historian and author, Arthur Herman, has raised concerns about the
CNOCC takeover of Unocal that ought to give everyone pause. Writing today
in the New York Post, he points out the following:

"In addition to providing a major source for China's growing thirst for
oil, Unocal also owns this country's only domestic source of 'rare earth'
minerals, which are crucial for making today's 'smart' bombs and cruise
missiles. In addition, its advanced deepwater exploration and monitoring
equipment for offshore drilling would come in handy for upgrading China's
anti-submarine technology."

The American people deserve straight answers on this. China and the U.S.
are on a collision course in the Pacific. The U.S. Military is already
deeply worried about Beijing's military build-up and is scrambling to
counter it. The Unocal takeover raises issues that are bigger than just
"free trade."


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